LCX Terminal is a powerful cryptocurrency trading platform to trade across multiple exchanges, featuring LCX Smart Trade, rich portfolio analytics, real-time and historic market research and news desk.
Today, we are announcing our second LCX Terminal Trading Competition.
Trading competition total pool prize of 500’000 $LCX Tokens.
The contest will run over a period of 15 days, from April 15th to April 30th 2020. There are two main categories, one tracking the trading volume and another one tracking the number of trades.
How to participate and win?
Winners will be decided on the basis of the volume (USDT) and the number of trades traded at LCX Terminal.
Extra Special
Every participant will get a free upgrade to LCX Terminal Pro Account for one month.
How to qualify for the contest?
To be eligible for this contest, you’ll need to make your account visible for the leaderboards. We invite you to do when the contest starts by clicking “join trading competition” on the trading competition page and give your consent to participate in competitions
For the volume of trades: Minimum trade volume of USD 100
For the number of trades: Minimum 10 trades
When does the contest start?
Start Date: 3:00 pm CET 15 April 2020
End Date: 2:59 pm CET 30 April 2020
Result Announcement: 3:00 pm CET 1 May 2020
Token Distribution Date: 3:00 pm CET 2 May 2020
Join the LCX Terminal - Trading Competition
Open LCX Terminal nowWhat are the prizes?
Competition – Trading Volume
For the highest volume of trades: 100’000 LCX Tokens
For the 2nd highest volume of trades: 50’000 LCX Tokens
For the 3rd highest volume of trades: 25’000 LCX Tokens
For each of the next top 75 highest volume of trades: 1’000 LCX Tokens
Competition – Number of Trades
For the highest number of trades: 100’000 LCX Tokens
For the 2nd highest number of trades: 50’000 LCX Tokens
For the 3rd highest number of trades: 25’000 LCX Tokens
For each of the next top 75 highest number of trades: 1’000 LCX Tokens

Note: You can qualify for only one competition category (trade volume or number of trades). The leaderboard will be showing the ranking and winners of the competition. For example, if you’re the 1st highest trader in terms of number, and 1st highest in terms of volume, then you’ll get a prize for the “volume” and if you’re the 1st highest trader in terms of “number of trades”, and 2nd highest in terms of volume, then you’ll get a prize for the “number of trades”.
You can track your rank on the LCX Terminal Trading Competition Leaderboard
To be successful in anything requires discipline and practice. This contest is both. Now calling all LCX users, big and small. Both volume as well as the number of trades matter, so bring on your A-game tonight!