This document is created on the basic Coronavirus Company Policy template published by and #EndCoronavirus.
We are sharing our internal company policy and guidelines to give our users, partners, as well as other businesses, and the global crypto community additional references and ideas on what they can do as well.
Our guidelines are shared under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA License. You are free to share, adapt and build upon the material, but you should give appropriate credit, link to and you may not use the material for commercial purposes.
LCX Coronavirus Policy and Guidelines
- We are continuing to monitor the global spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). In fact, we are starting to see several documented instances of community transmission in the areas of our Vaduz (Liechtenstein), Zug (Switzerland) and New Delhi (India) offices.
- While the overall risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to LCX employees remains low, it is increasing and we strongly encourage you to prepare for the next phase of this crisis, which will likely involve both community transmission and state/local government actions, such as school closures or movement restrictions.
- We emphasize to read and act on our Day-to-Day Response principles,
in particular by following good hygiene practices across the office. - Business travel is now restricted to essential travel only. We strongly encourage you to minimize personal travel. Travel to China, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy, Iran and South Korea remains completely restricted.
- Contact the management team, if you have any questions or important information to share.
- We encourage you to take action to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and share your activities on social media with the hashtag #EndCoronavirus.
Coronavirus can only be stopped in a collaborative effort.
Everybody can show others what they can do as well.
Status – This is what we know
The Coronavirus outbreak has caused immense global impact as the virus spreads internationally. The World Health Organisation has declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
The Virus is known to spread from human-to-human, with initial spreaders not having symptoms of pneumonia or fever. This presents a large problem with the containment of the virus, as spreaders can unknowingly infect others in close proximity. The virus is 96% similar to Bat Coronavirus and also 79.5% similar to SARS-CoV (2003) and in the same family as MERS-CoV.
This interactive map by the CSSE at Johns Hopkins University marks the locations of all the known cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It tracks new cases reported by the WHO, CDC, NHC and Dingxiangyuan.
Action – This is what we do
LCX is continuing to closely monitor the situation and is following the recommendations and guidelines as set by the authorities. Please watch out for news and cases in your region. Given the continued spread of COVID-19, we feel that it is important to prepare and take action.
Guiding Principles
Our company has 3 guiding principles as we continue to move forward:
- Keep our company employees safe
- Continue to serve our customers with highest standards
- Do our part to slow community spread of the virus where there appear to be outbreaks, so that the most vulnerable people are able to get the care they need
Day-to-Day Response
- We emphasize good hygiene practices across the office. All employees are required to buy and share Hand sanitizers and use it frequently! Also, clean your smartphones with sanitizer every day!!
- All employees are required to be seen by a doctor if they have been off sick with fever prior to returning to the office. A fever is considered to be a temperature of 38.0 C (100.4 F).
- Travel to China, HK, Japan, Italy, Iran and South Korea is restricted. Please inform us if you had been in any of these countries in the past 4 weeks or if any travel is planned.
If you have questions or important information, please contact the management at any time.
Links & References
- Wikipedia Coronavirus COVID-19:
- World Health Organisation (WHO):
- Interactive map by the CSSE at Johns Hopkins University
- SwissInfo: Coronavirus in Switzerland - The Economic Times: Coronavirus in India
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