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Announcing LCX Exchange Bounty 2021 Winners

LCX Exchange Bounty 2021

Winners Announcement

Dear LCX Community Members!

Our LCX Exchange Bounty 2021 witnessed its successful conclusion on 31 January 2021. With great joy, we are finally here with the much-awaited results of the campaign.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made their valuable contribution with their participation. We would also like to thank each one of you who is our constant supporter and believes in the future of our project with us!

The rewards will be distributed to all the winners & participants directly in their LCX Accounts.

LCX Exchange Bounty 2021 in Numbers:

Prizes: 1 Million LCX Tokens
Time period: 5 weeks
Number of Winners: 500+
Total Number of Participants: 13353
Total Number of Entries: 25658674
Total Number of Actions Performed: 165432

This is definitely one of the most successful campaigns in the history of The entire credit for this success goes to the participants and to our beloved community. We are working towards maintaining this faith of yours in and hope that the future brings more such achievements for us all.

Winners list

To all the Winners of the LCX Exchange Bounty Campaign 2021:

Congratulations on being one of the best in your field. We recognize your talent and will reward you for making LCX Exchange Bounty 2021 a success as promised.

Here is the list of the top 50 winners:
Username Rank Prizes(LCX Tokens) Country Actions Points
FxZero78 Gaming 1 100,000 Indonesia 141 94740
Cafer Yaran 2 50,000 Turkey 147 94590
Perfectcats Kerin 3 50,000 Belarus 94 92165
ABDULLAH OSAMA 4 50,000 Egypt 94 91515
Prit 5 50,000 Bangladesh 92 91215
Clifford Mensah 6 10,000 Ghana 96 90315
KANEDA SOFUTO 7 10,000 Japan 94 89690
Eike 8 10,000 Germany 108 88540
engin BALAT 9 10,000 Turkey 134 88365
Leandro Silva Verbinski 10 10,000 Brazil 149 87990
BENHASSINE abderraouf 11 5,000 Tunisia 91 87215
Hasibull Islam 12 5,000 Bangladesh 90 86515
HASBULLOH 13 5,000 Indonesia 90 85215
ICOS E TOKENS 14 5,000 Brazil 93 85190
IDSansara 15 5,000 Russia 88 84165
Ihor Krasov 16 5,000 Ukraine 88 82715
Tri Ridwan Prayogo 17 5,000 Indonesia 87 82440
Dmytro Bysarov 18 5,000 Ukraine 85 81665
Mɗ Yʋŋʋs Moɭɭʌ 19 5,000 Bangladesh 88 80290
Muktar Hossain 20 5,000 Bangladesh 85 80165
Yaroslav Mudryk 21 2,500 Ukraine 86 78965
Rusty Raccoon 22 2,500 Belarus 81 78715
Sergey Ivanik 23 2,500 Russia 86 77490
israil patel 24 2,500 India 81 76190
Jonabelle Saporna 25 2,500 Philippines 94 75990
takeaki tsukuma 26 2,500 Japan 82 75065
allutf Mundzir 27 2,500 Indonesia 84 74690
nava Azar 28 2,500 Switzerland 174 74255
sansa stark 29 2,500 Indonesia 80 74190
Jenn Rivera 30 2,500 Russia 77 73515
SK TAIHAN MAHMUD 31 2,500 Bangladesh 79 72665
Robin Palsu 32 2,500 Indonesia 85 72515
Parjiyanto parjiyanto 33 2,500 Indonesia 82 72490
Jefferson Resontoc 34 2,500 Philippines 90 72165
Agus Hermawan 35 2,500 Indonesia 78 72165
Karam Yousfi 36 2,500 Belgium 77 71840
@ferat_at 37 2,500 Turkey 107 71755
Viet Duc 38 2,500 Vietnam 76 70465
Kim Hashimoto 39 2,500 Indonesia 77 70240
sam ethan 40 2,500 India 77 69805
FIKRAN TOOLINGO 41 2,500 Indonesia 76 69790
Nur Fitri Andriani 42 2,500 Indonesia 75 69740
Eri aryanto 43 2,500 Indonesia 75 69690
dani efendi 44 2,500 United States 75 69355
Evgeny Malkov 45 2,500 Russia 76 69155
sub 46 2,500 Finland 74 69055
eugen41 47 2,500 India 74 69055
Maxim Krutoi 48 2,500 Ukraine 98 68815
Yahor Bobryk 49 2,500 France 76 68165
Ryan Bonghanoy 50 2,500 Philippines 83 66940
View All the Winners
Thank you so much for your participation. We hope to see you with us in our future endeavours.

Prizes list:

A total of 1 Million LCX Tokens were at Stake for the campaign
  • 1st Place (1 winner) – 100,000 LCX Tokens
  • 2nd – 5th Place (4 winners) – 50,000 LCX Tokens to each winner
  • 6th – 10th Place (5 winners) – 10,000 LCX Tokens to each winner
  • 11th – 20th Place (10 winners) – 5,000 LCX Tokens to each winner
  • 21st – 50th Place (30 winners) – 2,500 LCX Tokens to each winner
  • 51st – 576th Place (525 winners) – 1000 LCX Tokens to each winner

Prize Distribution

LCX Tokens will be allocated in your LCX Account at 3 PM{CET} on 15th February 2021 to all the bounty winners as per the schedule of the campaign.

Note: To receive the prizes winners need to have a verified LCX account.

Important Dates

Start Date: 12:00 PM CET 25/12/2020
End Date: 11:59 PM CET 31 January 2021
Winner’s Announcement: 7 February 2021 3 pm CET
Prize Distribution: 15 February 2021 3 pm CET

Please visit the LCX Exchange Bounty 2021 for more details, terms, and conditions.

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