Decentralized finance is on the rise. Although lending platforms remain the most popular use case for DeFi, decentralized derivatives are gaining traction.
What Are Crypto Derivatives?
Crypto derivatives function similarly to traditional derivatives. A broker handles both the leverage and the contract. These contracts can then be traded via exchanges. In many crypto-derivatives platforms, it also acts as both the broker and the exchange.
Need Of Derivatives
Speculation and hedging are two major trading practices that guide derivatives activity. To hedge the risk vulnerability, investors may purchase a derivative contract whose value moves in the opposite direction of the asset they already own. Alternatively, those who may wish to multiply their revenues can enter into derivatives contracts based on a well-informed guess.
The value of derivatives outweighs the interests of traders and investors. Derivatives play an important role in hedging against deflation and inflation as well as global diversification, resulting in an effective and mature market.
Derivatives In DeFi
Derivatives are not a new concept in the cryptocurrency world. Centralized exchanges first entered the lucrative derivatives business in 2014, and as a result, CeFi derivatives have matured significantly.
However, the introduction of derivatives into decentralized finance exchange platforms began in 2020. Decentralized derivatives, unlike centralized derivatives, do not require brokers to trade. Smart contracts encourage settlement over blockchain networks when certain predefined conditions are met.
Decentralized Derivatives
Decentralized derivatives differ in that they do not require a broker. Instead, the contract terms can be coded into smart contracts, removing the need for a third party. When the contract’s terms are met, settlement occurs automatically on-chain. Decentralized derivatives are extremely flexible, allowing users to create instruments based on virtually any underlying asset.
According to DeFi Pulse, decentralized derivatives account for approximately 18% of the TVL (total value locked) in DeFi. After lending, it is the second most widely used category of DeFi dApp.
Most Popular Defi Derivative Protocols Are:
The game-changing intersection of DeFi and derivatives has undoubtedly opened up new avenues for barrier-free, and borderless financial instruments in the world of finance.
Businesses planning to enter the DeFi industry with a decentralized derivatives exchange platform must first investigate the market’s internal environment. Here are some of the key players that newcomers should be aware of, as they have already created the potent mix to accelerate the growth of derivatives in the crypto market:
- Synthetix
Synthetix is a popular derivative trading platform that allows for the seamless trading of synthetic assets powered by the blockchain.
Initially designed to provide crypto-insurance solutions based on DeFi, the decentralized finance ecosystem based on the convexity protocol allows investors to profit from option trading and speculation.
MCDEX is a decentralized finance exchange that allows traders to trade long positions with decentralized perpetual and leverage up to 10X.
- Siren
Siren is a decentralized protocol designed for experienced option traders who want composability, autonomy and self-custody.
- Barnbridge
Barnbridge’s risk tokenization protocol incorporates SMART (Structured Market Adjusted Risk Tranches)products, allowing users to utilize derivatives for risk-averted exposure.
It will not be easy to enter the decentralized derivatives market. As a result, it is advised to select knowledgeable technology providers with a diversified pool of talent and vast experience in block chain technology.
Decentralized derivatives’ full potential is only now beginning to emerge. However, based on the data, it appears poised to erupt in popularity this year. With new entrants ready to enter and current users continuing to expand and innovate, this burgeoning segment is worth keeping both eyes on.