We are happy to announce the listing of $DEVVE. Starting on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET. LCX Exchange will support the $DEVVE. Deposits will start on – Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET The trading pair $DEVVE/EUR will be listed.
What is DevvE about?
DevvE is a cryptocurrency designed to support efforts in addressing environmental and social challenges by creating a financial model to support the operational costs of developing and maintaining the security and transparency of ESG data and assets, and generating funds for investments in green projects that support ESG goals and create additional ESG assets. DevvE is also the platform cryptocurrency for the DevvX blockchain.
What makes DevvE unique?
The DevvX blockchain platform is an ISO-compliant green blockchain due to its ultralow power consumption – with 1/3 billionth the energy consumption of Bitcoin. DevvX is a unique layer 1 blockchain that is comprised of shards, or independent blockchains, that can communicate through a novel cross-shard mechanism.
What can DevvE be used for?
DevvE has three primary categories of utility that are currently envisioned, but the Forevver Association will look to evaluate other areas of utility over time as well. The following core functionalities of the DevvE Token are available at the token generating event: Providing Trust Through Verification Nodes, Funding Worthy ESG Projects to generate ESG Assets, Payments.
Users can sign up for an LCX Account here
Start Trading $DEVVE
Launch LCX ExchangeDeposits: Deposits open on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET
Pair Listing Details:
$DEVVE/EUR starting on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET
How to deposit $DEVVE?
Go to LCX Accounts > Wallet
Scroll down to $DEVVE.
Click on the “Deposit” tab next to $DEVVE
Your deposit address will be displayed on the screen.
Send $DEVVE to this address.

Important Note:
Trading cryptocurrency is complex and comes with a high risk of losing money. You should carefully consider whether trading cryptocurrencies is right for you and take the time to learn how trading works and decide how much money you are prepared to lose. This content is not financial advice and should not form the basis of any financial investment decisions nor be seen as a recommendation to buy or sell any good or product.