On December 1, LCX held its third LCX Blockchain Session. The LCX Blockchain Sessions engages our network of international partners and advisors to open up the dialogue of the future of the blockchain industry. LCX strives to overcome the hurdles of financial institutions and professional investors to create the path to mainstream financial adoption.
The ceremony was attended by BRI Founder Don Tapscott, Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, and Monty C. M. Metzger, the CEO of LCX.
The prince started with an opening speech about the opportunities of Blockchain Technology for Liechtenstein. Don Tapscott gave a presentation about the Blockchain Revolution that ended with the announcement that LCX is named a Blockchain Pioneer by the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI).
Impressions from LCX Blockchain Sessions with Don Tapscott and H.S.H. Prince M. of Liechtenstein and the LCX Management Team.