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LCX Exchange Listed at CoinMarketCap is moving steadily forward on its path of expansion. Our recent listing at CoinMarketCap is another instance of our steady growth. CoinMarketCap is the world’s most referenced price-tracking platform for crypto assets in a rapidly expanding crypto market.

CoinMarketCap is a platform trusted by millions because they conduct thorough analysis and research into the authenticity of a coin and the organisation backing it before affiliating themselves with any token. It is a trusted source of information for users, institutions and media for comparing and analysing thousands of cryptocurrencies.

This implies that is a platform that is increasingly gaining trust of the masses and successfully positioning itself as one of the most trusted and fully compliant Exchanges in the crypto market.

You can find LCX Exchange at CoinMarketCap here.

CoinMarketCap is a platform that aims to provide accurate, unbiased data for crypto assets in a timely fashion. It was founded in May, 2013 by Brandon Chez. It was later acquired by Binance Capital Mgmt, leading Blockchain company that backs the world’s biggest crypto exchange, in April 2020.

We are looking forward to being an active participant in assisting them in ‘reducing information asymmetry in the crypto industry’ and providing its vast user base with top quality data. aims to continue pushing our platform forward and strengthen our integrity by becoming a part of such renowned and trusted platforms.

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