We are happy to announce the listing of $POWR. Starting on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET. LCX Exchange will support the $POWR. Deposits will start on – Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET The trading pair $POWR/EUR will be listed.
What is Powerledger about?
Powerledger (POWR) is a technology company that builds software for distributed and decentralised energy markets for a sustainable future. It has developed a blockchain-based platform that enables the tracking and trading of energy, flexibility services and environmental commodities. Its goal is to provide the platform for a fully modernised, market-driven grid that offers consumers a choice in their energy while driving the democratisation of power.
What makes Powerledger unique?
Powerledger operates on two blockchain layers; the POWR token is issued on Ethereum as an ERC-20 token, and the Powerledger blockchain – a native Solana based blockchain to process energy transactions on a more scalable network. The POWR token is an ERC-20 token that acts as a licence required for businesses such as; utilities, renewable energy operators, microgrids, companies committed to 100% renewable energy and property developers to access Powerledger’s platform, and will be able to be used to pay for transactions on the Powerledger blockchain in future.
What’s the history of Powerledger?
Powerledger was founded in 2016 to solve a pressing problem: Energy that comes from solar and wind is intermittent and lacks the steady quality that fossil fuels provide, and this causes problems for the grid. In 2015, 30 countries had reached grid parity, meaning that the price of solar-generated energy was equal to or less than the cost of local retail electricity.
Users can sign up for an LCX Account here
Start Trading $POWR
Launch LCX ExchangeDeposits: Deposits open on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET
Pair Listing Details:
$POWR/EUR starting on Friday, 14th February 2025, at 12 PM CET
How to deposit $POWR?
Go to LCX Accounts > Wallet
Scroll down to $POWR.
Click on the “Deposit” tab next to $POWR
Your deposit address will be displayed on the screen.
Send $POWR to this address.

Important Note:
Trading cryptocurrency is complex and comes with a high risk of losing money. You should carefully consider whether trading cryptocurrencies is right for you and take the time to learn how trading works and decide how much money you are prepared to lose. This content is not financial advice and should not form the basis of any financial investment decisions nor be seen as a recommendation to buy or sell any good or product.